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New edition...

If it wasn't for the Bach flower remedies, it is quite likely that writing my book (Emotional Wisdom with Bach Flower Remedies) would have taken even longer. Procrastination, anxieties, too much else going on etc etc. How many of us try to juggle a multitude of things at the same time? Always useful to look at what motivates that behaviour and identify the corresponding Bach flower remedies to recalibrate and shift those patterns that, if you are anything like me, have hung around for far too long. Take comfort from the fact we are all a work in progress!

It was a huge relief when my ebook was finished 3 years ago (I finally learned to let go of being 'perfect' and that 'good enough' was really ok), then, because the ebook got such wonderful reviews on Amazon, a year later I published a print edition, a year after that the Traditional Chinese edition was published by Taiwanese publisher, Elegant books (and the book really is elegant), then this year I have published the 2nd edition of the English language book - which arrived from the printers only a few days ago. I love the smell of new books! Meanwhile in the pipeline are Hebrew, Italian, Greek translations seeking publishers, and possibly a Croatian edition.... all with the generosity and help of Bach practitioners who are as passionate as I am about Dr Bach's wonderful system of healing remedies.

Why write a book? I was always being asked if I would, and I also had a yearning to be an author (since the age of 9 actually, way before my Bach journey began). However, what to write, what more could I add to all the good books out there already. Lots to mull over. It percolated for a few years, and then fell into place. So much easier to write that sentence than the reality :) I've been very touched by the comments and reviews the book has received, and immensely grateful whenever it opens the door to someone discovering the remedies either for the first time, or deepening their understanding. I didn't do it alone. None of us ever do. Everything and everyone is connected...

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